Awesome Assertions has a set of extensions that allow you to verify that an object raised a particular event. Before you can invoke the assertion extensions, you must first tell Awesome Assertions that you want to monitor the object:

var subject = new EditCustomerViewModel();
using var monitoredSubject = subject.Monitor();


// Or...


Notice that Awesome Assertions will keep monitoring the subject for as long as the using block lasts.

Filtering asserted events

Assuming that we’re dealing with an MVVM implementation, you might want to verify that it raised its PropertyChanged event for a particular property:

  .WithArgs<PropertyChangedEventArgs>(args => args.PropertyName == "SomeProperty");

WithSender() will verify that all occurrences of the event had their sender argument set to the specified object. WithArgs() just verifies that at least one occurrence had a matching EventArgs object. Both will return an IEventRecording representing only the events that match the constraint.

This means that event monitoring only works for events that comply with the standard two-argument sender/args .NET pattern.

Monitoring PropertyChanged event

Since verifying for PropertyChanged events is so common, we’ve included a specialized shortcut to the example above:

monitoredSubject.Should().RaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.SomeProperty);

You can also do the opposite; asserting that a particular event was not raised.

monitoredSubject.Should().NotRaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.SomeProperty);

Monitoring subset of events

Monitor() is a generic method, but you will usually have the compiler infer the type. You can specify an explicit type to limit which events you want to listen to:

var subject = new ClassWithManyEvents();
using var monitor = subject.Monitor<IInterfaceWithFewEvents>();

Dynamically generated classes

This generic version of Monitor() is also very useful if you wish to monitor events of a dynamically generated class using System.Reflection.Emit. Since events are dynamically generated and are not present in parent class non-generic version of Monitor() will not find the events. This way you can tell the event monitor which interface was implemented in the generated class.

POCOClass subject = EmitViewModelFromPOCOClass();

using var monitor = subject.Monitor<ISomeInterface>();

// POCO class doesn't have INotifyPropertyChanged implemented

The IMonitor interface returned by Monitor() exposes a method named GetRecordingFor as well as the properties MonitoredEvents and OccurredEvents that you can use to directly interact with the monitor, e.g. to create your own extensions. For example:

var eventSource = new ClassThatRaisesEventsItself();

using IMonitor monitor = eventSource.Monitor<IEventRaisingInterface>();

EventMetadata[] metadata = monitor.MonitoredEvents;

        EventName = nameof(IEventRaisingInterface.InterfaceEvent),
        HandlerType = typeof(EventHandler)

Configuring the event monitor

It is also possible to configure the event monitor. To do so, use the overload:

var subject = new EditCustomerViewModel();
using var monitoredSubject = subject.Monitor(options => ...);

Ignore broken event Accessors

If some event accessors, you are not interested in, should throw exceptions, you can simply ignore all exceptions thrown by those event accessors:

var subject = new EditCustomerViewModel();
using var monitoredSubject = subject.Monitor(options => options.IgnoreEventAccessorExceptions());

The event monitor will now ignore all events that throw exceptions when subscribing (add) or unsubscribing (remove) them.

Note, that if there is an exception in the add event accessor, the event cannot be asserted, as it cannot be subscribed successfully.


This feature is not available in .NET Standard 2.0, because System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod is required to generate event handlers dynamically.